June Women’s Circle

This is an opportunity to gather together to celebrate the Goddess in all of us. Our women’s circle will be a monthly group meeting to support each other on our sacred journeys, to connect to the Divine Feminine, and to empower ourselves through community and connection. $25

Fun with Crystals

Let’s talk crystals! Crystals are a great tool for spiritual growth. They hold different frequencies and have so many properties to help you heal and connect. And of course they are beautiful to wear or just have around the house or carry with you. $25

Welcome to the World of Woo-Woo

Come explore the world of the mystical and magical as we examine our beliefs and open room for the unlimited possibilities of the Universe! $25

Spiritual Book Club

Come join us for a fun evening discussing the magical and the mystical at our monthly spiritual book club! This month’s selection is Signs – The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson. $10 donation

Sacred Cacao Ceremony with Annie Palmer

Cacao has been considered a sacred plant for thousands of years.  It is known to carry a medicinal healing spirit for the heart.  This healing spirit of Cacao strengthens our connection with the wisdom of the heart, the truth and peace within, and our connection to others.  In the Mayan Cosmology, Cacao is revered as […]

Tri-State Business Women Meet-Up

Sacred Souls Studio is hosting the July meet-up for the Tri-State Business Women’s Group. On the first Tuesday of each month, small business owners get together to network and talk about business topics. More information is available at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/monthly-tri-state-women-owned-small-business-networking-tickets-924054310317